Vaccination status before pregnancy: Protection for you and your baby
Live vaccines and pregnancy
Some vaccinations, including those against measles, mumps, rubella and varicella, are known as live vaccines and must not be given during pregnancy. Dead vaccines, on the other hand, can also be done during pregnancy, usually after the first trimester is over.
Important: It is recommended to check the vaccination status using the vaccination book before the start of pregnancy. If there is no vaccination book available, one should be created for you.
By the way, it is also recommended that your partner check the vaccination status.
Individual vaccinations in detail
Measer-mumps-rubella (MMR): Two MMR vaccinations are recommended. If only one vaccination is recorded, another vaccination is recommended at intervals of 4 weeks. MMR vaccination should not be carried out during pregnancy.
Varicella (chickenpox): The immune status should be tested before pregnancy. If protection is insufficient, two varicella vaccinations are recommended. Varicella vaccination should not be carried out during pregnancy.
Tdap (tetanus diphtheria-pertussis polio): Women who want to have children should receive a Tdap vaccination every 10 years. Whooping cough vaccination is recommended from 28 weeks of pregnancy, also to protect your baby in the first months of life.
Influenza (flu): The flu vaccination before pregnancy and also from the second trimester is recommended.
Hepatitis B: Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended before pregnancy, particularly for people with increased risks.
Conclusion: Individual advice from the doctor
It is advisable to inform your doctor about your desire to have children in order to find out specifically which vaccinations are important for you. Your individual health status is taken into account and vaccinations should be completed before the start of pregnancy to ensure the best possible protection. Checking your vaccination status is a simple but important step to minimize potential risks for you and your baby.